Goodbye to Perception

I went skiing in the French Alps with some friends and I must say it was a lot of fun. It was my first time seeing snow in 15 years, and obviously, my first time skiing. I was cold. When I mean cold, I mean was accepting the fact that I’d freeze to death while up there on the mountains.


7 A.M.

A skintight under layer, long sleeved thermal, hoodie, vest and finally, a Northface jacket was on my outer. I put on my under gloves, gloves, a hat with a ball on top and we ate croissants before we departed.

I thought I was prepared for the cold, I was brutally wrong.

IMG_3302IMG_3301 IMG_33038 A.M.

As we made our way up the mountains, the temperature dropped substantially and swiftly. My friend asked if I was getting sick from the multiple hairpin turns as we made our way up. I said no, and enjoyed the view.We stopped at a small café on the way up the mountain to get some food. I forget what we ate, but it was really good. The thermostat read 2 degrees, that’s 2 degrees Celsius. I knew I wasn’t going to make it.

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The ground turned from asphalt to snow in a matter of minutes, and just like that we’re sliding. Welcome to Isola2000.

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8:30 A.M.

We bought our ski passes for the slopes and just like that we were off. I asked my friends for a quick 5-minute tutorial as we were on the ski lift, but what I should have asked them specifically was how to stop after you start.

IMG_3321IMG_3571 IMG_3572 We exited the lift and I took off. Ahead of the crew, going full speed for about 2 minutes, I crashed. After a few hours of testing out the ski’s, I finally got the hang of it.



6 P.M.


I was completely exhausted and slept the entire ride home, but it was an amazing day. I’ll like to try snowboarding the next time I see snow. Who knows, maybe I’ll try Aspen next Winter.

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