Waiting for Europe.


Slow and fast have the days been moving, time is no longer mine. 3 days and counting, then I’m off and away. As I navigate across the mountainous terrain of clothes slowly piling up in my room, it is becoming more and more evident that I will actually be leaving for a semester abroad. I’m packing my life into a mere two suitcases and a carry-on duffle bag, is this real life? Slowly picking each garment as if I’m selecting fresh fruits for a lavish platter, hoping it turns out great.

I’ll be studying in Nice, France, this fall semester. I’d like to get more of a global perspective of international business and dive into an entirely new culture. I’ve always wanted to study abroad. The stories that my father told me about his study abroad experiences in college instilled an urge in me to one day go abroad and experience an unfamiliar culture.

Studying at one of the largest and top ranked business school in France, Skema Business School, will give me a thorough first-hand experience in the international business industry since 1,300 companies are in the near vicinity and is known for its knowledgeable community. I will be taking 4 international business classes to get more of a global perspective. Even though I am excited to actually study in another country, I am even more excited to actually travel around Europe. I heard that travel is very easy and you can travel almost anywhere by taking a train or a quick flight.

I am currently 3 days away from my departure and to be honest, I’m nervous, excited, anxious, and thrilled all in one. The thrill of diving into a whole new culture is so exciting but I’m nervous at the same time. You see, the classes that I’m taking are all taught in English. Fair enough because English is the only language I know. However, I do not know one single word in French. Well, I do know “bonjour” which I believe means “good day.” But everybody knows that similarly to everybody knowing “hola” meaning “hi” in Spanish. But I’m not going to go around France saying “bonjour” to everyone I meet. This is my opportunity to pick up a new language and I am stoked to do so. The more I think about it, the more excited I get and each minute that goes by my anticipation astronomically multiplies. I’ve always wanted to start a blog so I figure now is the best starting point. I’ve been looking forward to this trip for a long time and I’m thrilled to share my journey with you, so until next time, bonjour!

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