4th grade

We were learning a lesson in class and all of a sudden my teacher turns on the television. We witnessed the plane going into the second building; we witnessed history in the 4th grade. The class slowly became vacant due to frantic parents picking up their children and in those very moments, we knew something big just happened. I walked home. September 11, 2001 will forever be engraved into our minds and we will forever have a snapshot of that day in our minds that will replay over, and over again. Unfortunately, some took the longest walk home that day.

The neighboring city to Juan Les Pins, my current city in France, is Antibes, is a very active city. There is always something going on and luckily for me, I was able to attend a September 11th memorial that was being held. City officials and local firefighters gathered and delivered a touching memorial service. I was able to talk to a few of the firefighters and war Veterans after the memorial and it was a very humbling experience. I thanked them for their service. I am forever grateful to the armed forces, police men and women, firefighters and everyone who puts their life at risk to save another.

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